The Secrets that Your Foreman Don't Want you to know about Cars!
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For some people, car is just another transportation vehicle where bringing them from point A to point B. But, for certain people like me, car is more than just a transportation. It represent our second home, it's represent who we are, it's represent our style and it is the platform where we have joy and fun with family and friends, or a place to cry out or a private place when we wanted to be alone.
Not everyone can afford the new car all the time, buying a car at certain countries such as Singapore can cost you a BOOM. Each car manufacturer come up the new model every 3 years, which this making our current car looks outdated after 3 years!
For some people like me who going to drive the same car for at least 8-15 years, we want to make sure our car looks good throughout this period of time. Driving a stylish car on the road improves the driver's confident and make the driver feel good too.
Now I am here to tell you the SECRET WAYS TO SUPERCHARGE your car to look COOL, STYLISH and NEW all the time even after many years!
My car tips are PROVEN to be resourceful and have being featured in CLOUDHAX magazine, the leading lifestyle magazine in Malaysia during 2016.
Contents featured on CLOUDHAX magazine
Our program help the users to SUPERCHARGE their existing cars to next level yet keep the cost of maintenance low and easy. The course allow everyone, from as young as 17 years to 60 years to SUPERCHARGE their cars in these SIMPLE steps.
The course come with guidance with video, photos and instruction step by step to complete the transformation:
You will learn how to DIY in your comfort home get the installation parts in your nearest car accessories shops.
This course will show you how to boost up the car appearance such how to DIY to install the Day Light Running (DLR) LED from mechanical section to electrical section.
I will show you how to connect to right cable to the position for the DLR
You also will learn how to keep your car interior and engine bay look like new all the time even after your car is already 10 years old!
Protect and keep your car interior clean forever
Protect and keep your car engine bay look even better than new; just like in show car
We have testimonials from the car enthusiasts who successfully transformed their car using our program.

Henry Tey
The program has helped me to improve my dull car to great looking car. I recommend it to anyone who wants a change their ride to better car.
My ride has being aging for years and the color of the car is fading away. The program has helped me to restore my appearance of the car in cheapest way.
My ride has being aging for years and the color of the car is fading away. The program has helped me to restore my appearance of the car in cheapest way.
We know car enthusiasts would love to keep their cost low; thus our course selling at very low price too. It cost only $29, and you will receive all the life time skills to SUPERCHARGE your car to next level in the low cost and lifetime support personally from me!
Let's recap, you will get below package if you subscribe to my course:
1) Full access to step by step to DIY transformation your dull car to COOL and STYLISH machine
2) Learn how to maintain and keep your car looks NEW for YEARS!
3) Personal support from me, for the DIY issue that you faced and advise to keep your car in the optimum level.
You will gain life time skills and personal support from me!
WHAT HAPPENED if the course don't meet your expectation?
I will give you back full refund immediately without any question within 30 days! Quality products are what I am very particular; If my products are not meeting your requirement then I am will to give you back full refund!
So what are you worry about? ENROLL the course now and start transform your car!
Course Curriculum
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Frequently Asked Questions
By end of the course, you will learn the BEST EVER lesson of 3 simple and affordable steps that all the foreman and car dealer don't want you know on HOW to transform your dull looking car into stylish, clean and beautiful car!